Monday, June 25, 2012

Chuck Norris and the Art of Kicking Butt

Depending on if you’re one of those glass half empty or glass half full types, life is a series of challenges to be met and obstacles to overcome.
I’m a half-empty kind of person as it has been my experience that just when you think things cannot get any worse...they do.  And in the most spectacularly worst way possible for the time. My life has become a true art of prepping for worst case scenarios-because in my experience it happens. Whether it is self-fulfilling prophecy or not I don’t know-that’s one for someone else to look at, but I’ve always looked at it as insurance against ‘how things are’.
Enter Chuck Norris-movie and TV version.  What does he have to do with my inability to see other than the worst of all possible results in this worst of all possible worlds?
Chuck Norris destroys worst possible results.  Over and over again-in every movie or TV show I’ve ever seen him in, Chuck Norris plows through the confusion and drama, gets to the point of the matter, and solves the problem.  Usually by use of some pretty awesome slow motion karate movies (or was that the Six Million Dollar Man?  I get confused sometimes).
Chuck Norris doesn’t worry about ‘worst case scenarios’ because for him, they don’t exist.  Events are just another bump on the road to awesomeness for him.
What lesson can be taken here?  Aside from the fact that it’s always good to prepare for any eventuality, the whole point is to live life in the now.
Tired old phrase-very over used, in all honesty.  But it really is true.  One of the reasons that Movie/TV Chuck works so well as a character and an archetype is because sometimes, all the plans you make don’t mean a thing and you have to be able to improvise.  You don’t have time to be scared, upset, or engage in pointless drama or endless evaluation of circumstances; you react to what is around you and take care of what is in front of you and move on.
Too often we get bogged down in all of the underlying ‘stuff’ life throws at us.  Most of it isn’t worth the time or the attention that we give it.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to simply deal with it and move one.  Not every event deserves further thought or contemplation.   As a society we’ve become too concerned about what the context of everything is and as a result, we allow ourselves to be run over too many times when we should be simply reacting.
Developing a healthy way to live and a healthy outlook on life sometimes requires us to strip away all of the pointless rumination and simply act.
Sometimes we all have to simply be Chuck Norris.

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