Saturday, June 16, 2012

At Any Given Moment

Found a really cool poster on Pinterest awhile back and it really hit me hard.  I’ve been going through a spectacularly difficult time as of late, where absolutely nothing has broken my way.  Ended up in one of those ‘To Be or Not to Be” moments that many people have experienced recently.
I’m tired of fighting to simply keep a roof over my head and keep my lights on.  Somewhere along the line we’ve all lost track of the truly important things in life-one of which is help each other and caring about each other.
Then I found this quote on Pinterest: 
For where I was at the time it was powerful.  It was a true epiphany for me in terms of new goals to set for myself.
One way or another, I am going to find a way to get strong not just physically, but mentally too.  I hadn’t realized how much I had let my mental strength go until that moment.
We have the power to author our own stories and change our own outcomes, regardless of where we start from.  Even from in the basement-or even from UNDER the basement we can do it.  This is true for everything in life, be it losing weight, finding a job, or surviving a breakup.
All it takes is a simple plan-one step at a time.  When every problem in your life suddenly decides to gang up on you and hit you all at once, take charge.  Make a list.  Depressing?  Not if you repeat the idea that ‘this is not how the story is going to end’.  Pick the one biggest issue that is causing one or more of the other issues and solve it.  You don’t need the perfect solution at this point-you don’t have the luxury.  Any solution that works is the current perfect solution-fine tune it after you have time to breathe and evaluate.
It’s really amazing how empowering that can be.
This is not how my story is going to end-that I can promise- and yours doesn’t have to end ‘that way’ either.

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