Wednesday, May 16, 2012

celebrity breakdowns

It may seem surprising that more people aren't deeply affected when the latest celebrity has a breakdown, but that's only because the general population is becoming immune. Constantly deluged with the heartbreaking spectacles of celebrities unable to cope with their tragic lives, most people simply cannot bear turn on the evening news and witness the painful ordeals that celebrities are forced to go through. Not since the existence of starving children in war torn countries overseas gained worldwide attention has the American public been so deeply touched. It is understandable why many people feel as if they can bear no more.

Nonetheless, tissue sales still soar every time Lindsay Lohan gets arrested for drunk driving and illegal possession of drugs, proving that not all Americans have become shell shocked to the plight of the rich and famous. Support groups were also formed in many communities to help people deal with their grief after Britney Spears shaved her head.


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